The average renter barely gets 15 minutes to inspect a property — that’s hardly enough time to make an informed decision. We spend more time reading reviews for a restaurant we’re going to for a few hours than we do researching a property to live in for the next year. And the reason for that is a total lack of information.

Rate the Rental aims to provide a platform which allows renters across Australia to share their knowledge with each other in one simple place. So you don’t have to guess anymore about one of the most important decisions you’ll make this year. We’re giving some help back to the rental community - join us!

Register for your account with a Username, Password and your Email address. We will never supply your information to 3rd parties. Read our Privacy Policy for more info.
Search for the property you want to review and select it from our suggested match list. You’ll be asked to rate your rental on a number of categories and provide insight with your own comments. We ask our users to help out their fellow renters by reviewing either their current or one of their former rentals. You'll aid other renters in making informed decisions about the next place they’ll call home.
Search for the property you want to read reviews for and select it from our suggested list of submitted reviews. You will be able to review all the same categories & comments left by renters as above, together with an overall rating for the property.


As the landlord of a rental property, we have a process in place to allow you to claim ownership of that property and reply to public reviews to help provide your side of the story. See here for more information